Our entry for the 2022 GMTK Game Jam. All assets were made during the jam.

Sit down, take a breather and play a round of Eye of the Diceholder with your buddies Sammy and Steven!

Music, sound and writing by SeimeiNoNagare

Art by Spotted_Leaf

Code by don-tnowe


Diceholder_Final_Windows.zip 28 MB


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Super cute execution of the theme, really like the paper mario feel! I actually chuckled a few times at the dialogue, nice job!

(1 edit) (+1)

what invisible walls? there aren't any! 
jokes aside, i love this game, the humor is fantastic, and it reminds me of my original game idea! also, is the game supposed to end with the jester saying I can't rescue him because I got a 1 forever?

It's not! It was supposed to start with that, and then the cutscene... oh well, stuff like that happens in a jam!

That Happend To Me Too


Charming, nice art, specially since you know, 3d and 2d. But could have been more gameplay and polish. Not bad though!


Really charming! Enjoyed it very much!


I also loved the initial dialogues that were made personal...!